Terms of Sale
Hard Cover: This printed and bound version is mailed through the postal service. Shipping charges will be added.
E-Piece: Sent by email, this purchase entitles the purchaser to maintain one electronic version and one printed copy for personal use. For ensemble works, this purchase allows a version for each player. Not transferable.
E-Book: Sent by email, this purchase entitles the purchaser to maintain one electronic version and one printed copy for personal use. For ensemble works, this purchase allows a version for each player. Not transferable.
E- Studio License: Sent by email, this license entitles the private studio teacher to reproduce the digital material solely for their personal use and that of their students. For ensemble works, this purchase allows a version for each player. This license is not transferable.
E-Choral: Sent by email, this purchase entitles the purchaser to maintain one electronic version and one printed copy for personal use. For these choral downloads, a copy needs to be purchased for each singer or performer.
Digital downloads are legal version only when accompanied by a valid receipt. Additional copies for adjudication and/or competition purposes are allowed without prior consent provided that extra copies are returned or destroyed after the event.