Be quiet, wind, a little while, And let me hear my heart. You chiming rivulet still your chant And stealthily depart.
You whisperings in the aspen leaves, You far-heard whip-poor-will, You slow drop spilling from the rose— You, even you, be still.
I must have infinite silence now, Lest I should miss one word Of all my heart would say to me— Now, when its deeps are stirred.
Hardly I dare my breath to draw Lest breathing break the spell,— While we commune, my heart and I, In dreams too deep to tell.
- Charles G.D. Roberts (1860-1943)
Both alto and soprano soloists are beautifully and equally showcased in this unique duet which mimics the sound of wind chimes blowing in the wind. A clever but very singable canon in the middle makes for a wonderfully rich and contemporary sound.