Cover Image for the Florals Collection

FLORALS - Vocal Collection

Levels 9 & 10

Regular price $22.99 CAD Sale

Pages: 44

MHD-V008, ISBN: 978-0-9936645-2-6

FLORALS was written for Soprano Elizabeth McDonald in the fall of 2009 while I was away with my husband in Cambridge, UK. Thanks to a keyboard donation from a London astronomer and Elizabeth's e-mail comments, encouragements and careful warnings, I was off and running.

Double-Red Daisies: the antics of a jealous gardener
Poetry: Robert Graves

Fire-Flowers: grief and joyous rebirth
Poetry: E. Pauline Johnson

The Daisy: a hypnotic miniature
Poetry: Rennell Rodd

Wild Asters: written in Ediburgh, so an interesting mix of Canadian and Scottish landscape
Poetry: Marjorie Pickthall

Flowering: a tango of betrayal
Poetry: Carla Hartsfield