Little Lady Icicle is dreaming in the north-land And gleaming in the north-land, her pillow all a-glow; For the frost has come and found her With an ermine robe around her Where little Lady Icicle lies dreaming in the snow.
Little Lady Icicle is waking in the north-land, And shaking in the north-land her pillow to and fro; And the hurricane a-skirling Sends the feathers all a-whirling Where little Lady Icicle is waking in the snow.
- E. Pauline Johnson (1862-1913)
Scoops, slides, tremolos, and rapid changes of mood and tempo characterize this colorful story of “Lady Icicle”–– a perfect opportunity for singers at all levels, to let their personality shine through.
*Also available a cappella SSSSAA version of "Lady Icicle" in Songs of Tekahionwake